Archives: Events

Malta Café Scientifique 2019/20: Positive Ageing

Studios St James Cavalier, Castille Place, Valletta

Join us at this talk where we will take a peek into the ways in which mental and emotional wellbeing influence the ageing process.


Spaces St James Cavalier, Castille Place, Valletta

Home was once a very concrete and grounded place, and now, in this age of hypermobility and migration, it can be everywhere, and nowhere. What are the factors that make us feel like we belong?

Bolshoi Golden Collection

Global audiences will be able to enjoy 4 of the theatre's most acclaimed ballets (along with 2 operas) via the Bolshoi's YouTube channel.

Bolshoi Golden Collection Copy

Global audiences will be able to enjoy 4 of the theatre's most acclaimed ballets (along with 2 operas) via the Bolshoi's YouTube channel.

Art Additives 2019/20

Spaces St James Cavalier, Castille Place, Valletta

Art Additives is a series of talks, workshops, meetings and events around the Spazju Kreattiv contemporary visual arts programme.

Malta Café Scientifique 2019/20: Electromagnetic Wellbeing

Studios St James Cavalier, Castille Place, Valletta

Malta Café Scientifique presents Dr. Lourdes Farrugia, who will be discussing a possible solution to the growing costs of healthcare: electromagnetic imaging and therapeutics.


National Theatre at Home

Gawdu dal-wirjiet teatrali ta' prestiġju dinji permezz ta' din l-iskeda ta' National Theatre at Home, sakemm in-National Theatre jinsabu magħluqin.

ŻiguŻajg Online

ŻiguŻajg Online forms part of our celebrations as ŻiguŻajg Festival turns 10 years old. This is the place to watch shows from ŻiguŻajg’s past performances, tailor-made for kids.

20th Anniversary Project: Call for Participation

Have you any recollections of the War shelter, the NAAFI or the Government Printing Press at St James Cavalier? Would you like to share your stories with us? We would be happy to hear from you!

Proġett XX

Spazju Kreattiv St James Cavalier, Castille Place, Valletta

In celebration of the 20th anniversary of the reimagining of St James Cavalier as a centre for creativity, Spazju Kreattiv presents Project XX. The exhibition explores the building’s recent past as a British Armed Forces NAAFI outlet, a government printing press as well as its transformation into a centre for creativity. The timeline is articulated through oral history accounts and visual documentation.

ĊineXjenza: Get Out

The satirical horror film’s main themes are double consciousness, liberal racism, and the anxiety you endure when you realise you do not belong somewhere. In fact, from the very first moment when the protagonist Chris (Daniel Kaluuya) meets his girlfriend’s - Rose (Allison Williams) - parents, things seem disturbing.

ĊineXjenza: Manchester by the Sea

Spazju Kreattiv Cinema St James Cavalier, Castille Place, Valletta

Wara l-attakk tal-qalb li soffra ħuh, il-purtinar Lee Chandler (Casey Affleck) jispicca jieħu l-kustodja tan-neputi tiegħu Patrick (Lucas Hedges).